You’ve just built a new Gravity Forms form and embedded it in your page, but when you preview the page you see a notice that reads, “*” indicates required fields. Maybe you think this is annoying and overstating the obvious, so you want to know how to remove this notice from your forms.

How To Fix It
Currently, there is no setting that you can use to easily disable this notice as you might expect to find in the form settings. Instead, you will need to use a simple code snippet.
The snippet below can be used for all forms across your site:
add_filter( 'gform_required_legend', '__return_empty_string' );
This next snippet can be used to disable this indicator for a single form (where 1 equals the forms ID number):
add_filter( 'gform_required_legend_1', '__return_empty_string' );
If you plan to use the snippet above, you will need to replace the 1 with your forms ID number.
Where to put this code
You can add this snippet to your themes functions.php file, or you can use a functionality plugin like WPCodeBox (recommended).
Need More Help?
If you have an active Gravity Forms license, you can also open a support ticket here.
If you still need help and Gravity Forms support isn’t an option, feel free to use the comments or chat options below.