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Limit Stripe Subscriptions to a Specified Number of Payments

  |  by Chris Eggleston


Need to create a payment plan of equal installments for a limited number of transactions using the Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On. Or you would like to cancel a Stripe subscription after a specified number of payments.

The Stripe API doesn’t allow you to set the total number of recurring payments when creating the subscription and as a result you will not see an option for that when setting up your Stripe feed.

How To Fix It

The geniuses over at Gravity Forms have already put together a simple solution to this problem. You can read more about it here: Cancel a Stripe Subscription After a Specific Number of Payments.

Basically all you need to do is add the code snippet below to your themes functions.php file or a functionality plugin like WPCodeBox (recommended) and modify it as explained in the snippet.

Need More Help?

If you still need help, feel free to use the comments or chat options below.

If you have an active Gravity Forms license, you can also open a support ticket here.

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About the Author
Chris Eggleston
Husband to 1. Father to 4. Grandpa to 1. Gravity Forms enthusiast. As the owner of WP Mantis, I’m on a mission to simplify the WordPress experience for site owners. I try to bring a unique perspective to the Gravity Forms community.

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