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Results for: Add-Ons

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Gravity Forms + Google Drive Integration

Send attachment files to Google Drive instantly upon Gravityforms submission

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Gravity Forms Offline Form Submission

Allow users to submit the form offline if there is no internet connection easily

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Gravity Forms + Airtable Integration

Submit data to Airtable instantly upon Gravityforms submission

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Gravity Forms Tooltip Styles Addon

Add attractive tooltip styles to your GF form easily

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Gravity Forms + ClickSend SMS Integration

Send SMS instantly upon form submission with ClickSend SMS integration

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Gravity Forms + Lawmatics CRM Integration

Submit data to Lawmatics instantly upon Gravityforms submission

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Gravity Forms Custom Checkbox Styles

Add nice design custom checkbox styles to your GF form easily

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Gravity Forms Accordion/Tab Panel Styles

Add interactive accordion/tab panel styles to your GF form easily

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Gravity Forms Custom Style Progress Bar

Add attractive custom progress bar to your GF forms easily

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Gravity Forms PaymentWall Integration

Integrate GravityForms with PaymentWall easily

Download The Add-On