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Results for: Feature Enhancements

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Gravity Forms Work Hours Custom Field Add-on

This powerful add-on enhances Gravity Forms by introducing a specialized custom field designed for accurate and efficient work hour tracking.

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Gravity Forms Advanced User Profile Add-on

Add the ability to create User Profile/Register/Login/Lost Password easily.

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Gravity Forms QR Code Generator Add-on

Add the ability to generate multiple QR Codes upon form submission easily. 

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Gravity Forms Advanced Restrict Dates Add-on

Add the ability for admin to restrict date's seletion easily with default Date field. 

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Gravity Forms Terms Of Service Add-on

Add a custom Terms of Service Field to use in any form easily 

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Gravity Forms Read-Only Add-on

Add the ability to set any Gravity Forms default fields to hidden easily

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Gravity Forms vCard Generator Add-on

Add the ability to generate vCard upon form submission with submitted field's mapping easily.

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Gravity Forms Color Picker Add-on

Add the ability to add multiple color picker fields to GF forms easily with Single line text field, checkboxes field and radio buttons field

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Gravity Forms Timer Add-on

Add a nice design Timer field to GF form easily to record user's spent time and save it to the entry upon form submission.

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Gravity Forms Frontend Entry View Add-on

Add the ability to display GF form's entries by embedding generated shortcode to anywhere of pages/posts easily

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