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WordPress command-line utlity to resend Gravity Forms emails, view notification settings. (Requires WP-CLI)

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Entry Expiration

Entry Expiration for Gravity Forms allows you to automatically delete Gravity Forms entries older than a defined timeframe.

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User Registration Enhanced

The Gravity Forms User Registration Enhanced plugin now allows you to use the same form for both creating a new WordPress user and updating a current WordPress user on the front-end of your site.

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Timesheet Field

A new type of field that allows timesheets to be submitted via Gravity Forms.

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CSS Selector

Easily select a Gravity Forms CSS Ready Class for your form fields.

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Táve Integration

Integrate Gravity Forms with Táve Studio Manager.

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Form Locator

Add-on for Gravity Forms that scans your website in the background and shows a list of each form published with the page or post that it is published on.

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Edit Entries

By activating this plugin you will be able to add the edit action to your Gravity Forms entries overview.

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Adds a Gravity Forms block to the Gutenberg editor.

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List and Edit

With this add-on it’s possible to edit or delete already submitted entries at the frontend.

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