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Gravity Forms + Facebook Conversion Integration

Integrate GravityForms with Facebook Conversion easily

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GFChart empowers you to visualize and report entries in piecharts or barcharts, automatically. This add-on empowers you to showcase a visual snapshot summary of form submissions without logging in. Charts and Graphs can be displayed in posts, pages and widgets.

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Google Analytics Event Tracking

This plugin provides an easy way to add Google Analytics event tracking to your Gravity Forms, allowing you to properly track form submissions as events/conversions within Google Analytics.

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Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking

Track successful payment form submissions with Google Analytics.

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Campaign Tracker

This integration supports several form plugins, including Gravity Forms. The plugin supports the Google’s campaign variables “Source”, “Medium”, “Term”, “Content” and “Name”. For campaigns using these GET variables, values are passed through your forms by hidden field.

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