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Multi Rating Pro

Add a rating field to your Gravity Forms. The rating field will be available under advanced fields in the form builder.

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Disqus Latest Comments

This add-on lets you display your latest Disqus comments in a page, post or widget.

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Entry Revisions

Entry Revisions enables you to track, compare and restore changes changes that where made to Gravity Forms entries. Entry Revisions is only available through the All Access GravityView License, which includes GravityView, DIY Layout, Import Entries, Maps, Math and Inline Edit. Please refer the the GravityView pricing page for more details.

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WP Comment Blacklist

This plugin allows you to use the WordPress default comment blacklist and restricted words (blacklist words) to active gravity forms. The plugin uses these lists to prevent spam submissions. You can select forms from the plugin setting page.

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