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Results for: Add-Ons

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Read Only

Read Only lets you configure form fields to be set as read only. These fields will be visible but not editable. A use case might be a paragraph field containing your terms of service.

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Blocklist lets you validate a field’s value against WordPress’ disallowed comment keywords. This option can be set for a single field, multiple fields or all fields in a form. If the field validation fails, it will display an error to the user stating that the input contains blacklisted words.

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Conditional Pricing

Conditional Pricing lets you create pricing levels for Gravity Form product fields. Pricing levels consist of a price and a set of pricing rules. The rules determine which pricing level should be used for a Product field’s price. Pricing rules work like Gravity Forms’ conditional logic: instead of showing/hiding a field, pricing rules determine which pricing level will be used for the price of a Product field.

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Auto Login

The Auto Login add-on lets you log in your users automatically after registration through Gravity Forms. Additionally, the add-on allows you to display a text confirmation, redirect to a WordPress page, or redirect to a URL.

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Preview Submission

Preview Submission lets you add a simple submission preview to your forms. The submission preview provides users with the opportunity to confirm the information they’ve entered is correct before submission.

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Price Range

The Price Range add-on lets you specify a minimum and maximum price range for user defined price product fields. On form submit, this add-on enforces the minimum/maximum price range and returns a validation error if the user defined price is outside of the specified price range.

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Expand Textareas

Expand Editor Textareas allows Gravity Forms Form Editor to launch an expanded textarea in a modal window.

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Copy Cat

Copy Cat lets you configure a checkbox that will copy values from one field to another.

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Disable Entry Creation

This add-on will automatically delete entries and associated files after the submission process has been completed.

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PayPal One-time Fee

Paypal One-time Fee lets you add one-time fees to first time payments of PayPal Standard subscriptions.

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