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Results for: Add-Ons

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HubSpot Integration

The HubSpot add-on integrates Contacts, Deals and Lead Capture Forms between Gravity Forms and HubSpot. Automatically add Contacts, Deals and Leads into HubSpot Gravity Forms submit.

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Auto Complete (+address field)

This add-on enables autocompletion: the add-on makes suggestions for what the user has started typing. Autocomplete simplifies and speeds up a form filling process. It saves your users time by finding the correct data. There is a autocomplete demo page available.

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The Infusionsoft add-on can integrate Contacts between Gravity Forms and Infusionsoft. Automatically add Contacts to Infusionsoft when a Gravity Forms form is submitted.

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Address Google Autocomplete

Address Google Autocomplete allows users to address autocomplete both Address- and Single Line Text fields. The add-on will autocomplete remaining fields (such as Zip code, city, country etc.) automatically.

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The Conductor add-on allows you to display Gravity Forms entries in the front-end, within Conductor Widgets. You’ll need the Conductor Plugin in addition to Gravity Forms. Conductor helps you display grids, also called blocks of content from within WordPress.

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GDPR Proof

This add-on adds IP anonymization and entry deletion to Gravity Forms. There are no settings, this add-on works in the background: the add-on disables IP address saving, no visitor IP addresses are saved. Also, this add-on deletes entries immediately after the form submission. No entries will be stored in the WordPress database. Submitted data can be sent by email or can be integrated with third party services, like CRM solutions.

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Gravity Pushover add-on allows you to push instant notifications to your smartphone when a new entry is created with Gravity Forms. You’ll need a pushover account to use this add-on.

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FreshDesk CRM

This add-on lets you create Tickets and Contacts in FreshDesk CRM form Gravity Forms form entries. You can connect your account to any form by entering your FreshDesk API key. Gravity Forms Entry fields can be mapped to any Ticket fields. Instead of creating new Object (Ticket or Customer), it is possible to update old objects, by setting Primary Key field. All local entries are synchronized with FreshDesk entries. If you update/delete/restore an entry that entry will be updated/deleted/restored in your CRM. By default all entries are sent to the FreshDesk, but it is possible to apply filters & setup ...

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Unbounce (U2GF)

Integrate Unbounce with Gravity Forms. This Unbounce to Gravity Forms (U2GF) add-on is a leads migration tool. You can integrate any number of your Unbounce landing pages with WordPress Gravity Forms to easily capture lead data from Unbounce landing pages to your WordPress site database. This add-on makes it possible to connect Unbounce to Gravity Forms through the Unbounce integration webhook.

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