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Limit Submissions
Limit submissions lets you configure who, what, when, from where and how often your form can be submitted. Create complex submission limits based on the submitting user, their role or IP address, any field value submitted on the form, or the page from which the form was submitted.
Auto Login
The Auto Login add-on lets you log in your users automatically after registration through Gravity Forms. Additionally, the add-on allows you to display a text confirmation, redirect to a WordPress page, or redirect to a URL.
Preview Submission
Preview Submission lets you add a simple submission preview to your forms. The submission preview provides users with the opportunity to confirm the information they’ve entered is correct before submission.
Copy Cat
Copy Cat lets you configure a checkbox that will copy values from one field to another.
Disable Entry Creation
This add-on will automatically delete entries and associated files after the submission process has been completed.
Better User Activation
Better User Activation lets you set a User Registration Activation page. Choose a page on your site and users will be automatically redirected to this page when they activate their accounts.
Limit Dates
Limit Dates lets you limit selectable dates from Gravity Forms Datepicker fields. It is possible to configure a minimum date, a maximum date, days of the week and exceptions to the rule.
Multi-page Navigation
Multi-page Form Navigation improves the way your visitors navigate between pages of multi-page Gravity Forms. The plugin can be used as a clickable progress bar.
Limit Choices
Limit Choices lets you limit how often a “choice” on a multi-choice field may be selected (e.g. Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, Drop Downs, etc). If the limit for a choice is reached, the choice will no longer be presented to users.
Email Users
Email Users lets you to send emails to users that submitted a form with an email field.