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Multiple Instances

When multiple Gravity Forms, with AJAX enabled, are on the same page you’ll see issues with form submissions, error notifications, etc. This plugin addresses these issues by allowing multiple forms to be displayed on the same page.

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Create and style tooltips for your form fields and labels. Global tooltip settings include adjustment of the color, size and position. The styling can be adjusted for specific forms. You can add specific content for each form field, including images such as animated GIF’s. This plugins works work with all Gravity Forms field types, including other Jetsloth plugins like color picker, image choices and collapsible sections. The bundled license includes Image Choices, Bulk Actions, Collapsible Sections, Color Picker and Bulk Add Fields.

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Gravity Fieldset

Extends the Gravity Forms plugin by adding fieldset open and close fields that can be used to create real sections.

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Restrict Dates

Gravity Forms Restrict dates is a Gravity Forms add-on that allows users to restrict the selectable dates in your form date picker field.

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Facebook Gallery Images

Gravity Forms Facebook Gallery Images allows the user to access their FB images on Gravity forms, so it helps user to attach their Facebook images on Gravity Forms.

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Smart Uploads

Gravity Forms Smart Uploads gives your users the power to preview their files before uploading them. There is a smart upload option for pictures where users can edit, crop, and rotate the file directly from the front-end.

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Multi-Currency Selector

This plugin adds multi-currency support to Gravity Forms. Configure prices in different currencies for individual forms. Available currencies are based on Open Exchange Rates.

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Dynamic Population Pro

This plugin allows your to dynamically populate dropdown field with WordPress data like users, custom post types and taxonomies. It is also possible to populate drowdowns with entry data from other forms and data from your WordPress database tables. Provides the option to conditionally load data from different sources.

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Limit Date Range

Limit the date range of a Gravity Forms datepicker or dropdown date field by setting a minimum and maximum allowed date.

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Move Fields

This plugin allows for quickly moving around Gravity Forms fields positions in medium to large size forms.

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