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Results for: Add-Ons

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Send entries to MailPoet

Send your Gravity Forms entries to MailPoet.

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WordPress command-line utlity to resend Gravity Forms emails, view notification settings. (Requires WP-CLI)

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Image Choices

Image Choices lets you add images to radio buttons or checkboxes, allowing you to let your users choose between images with Gravity Forms. This add-on supports survey, poll, quiz, product and options fields. There´s a demo on the Jetsloth site. Sloth bundle also includes Bulk Actions, Collapsible Sections, Color Picker and Bulk Add Fields)

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User Registration Enhanced

The Gravity Forms User Registration Enhanced plugin now allows you to use the same form for both creating a new WordPress user and updating a current WordPress user on the front-end of your site.

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Entry Expiration

Entry Expiration for Gravity Forms allows you to automatically delete Gravity Forms entries older than a defined timeframe.

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Timesheet Field

A new type of field that allows timesheets to be submitted via Gravity Forms.

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Disable Submit

One of the most common UX issues we see in interfaces these days are buttons/input[type=”submit”] that don’t change state once clicked and activated. This leads to many double-charges on credit cards, double signups, and frustration. This tiny Gravity Forms Add-on simply disables the button by applying “disabled” CSS via jQuery once clicked.

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Replacement styling written in Sass

This project aims to offer styling for GForms using Sass and minimal selectors.

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Easily create online payment forms with Gravity Forms and heidelpay.

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Ready Class Selector Revised

Easily select a CSS “Ready Class” for your fields within Gravity Forms.

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