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Results for: Add-Ons

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GravityStripe Subscription Manager

Manage Stripe subscriptions created through Gravity Forms. Subscriptions are shown using a shortcode. The plugin includes an admin shortcode to manage all subscriptions and see any overdue subscription payments.

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Multi-Currency Selector

This plugin adds multi-currency support to Gravity Forms. Configure prices in different currencies for individual forms. Available currencies are based on Open Exchange Rates.

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Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking

Track successful payment form submissions with Google Analytics.

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Dynamic Population Pro

This plugin allows your to dynamically populate dropdown field with WordPress data like users, custom post types and taxonomies. It is also possible to populate drowdowns with entry data from other forms and data from your WordPress database tables. Provides the option to conditionally load data from different sources.

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Limit Date Range

Limit the date range of a Gravity Forms datepicker or dropdown date field by setting a minimum and maximum allowed date.

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Submissions to third-party API

Export your data to external services through their API’s.

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Change the styling of your forms. You can set layouts, image choices, use icons, show your forms in a modal and much more.

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Integrate with CardConnect’s CardPointe payment gateway.

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This plugin converts your traditional Gravity Forms UI into a Material UI design. You can customize many of your field using the visual composer.

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